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Blog / 29 Mar 2020

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) G20 Virtual Summit


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) G20 Virtual Summit

An extraordinary G-20 summit was held on 26th of March through video conferencing. It was chaired by the Saudi King and was named as G-20 Virtual. India was represented by our Prime Minister. This virtual G-20 summit which was a video conferencing was held in an emergency to discuss about the challenges posed by the outbreak of Corona virus pandemic. At the summit the leaders committed to infuse 5 trillion US dollar into the global economy.

In this DNS we will know in detail what topics were discussed in this virtual G-20 summit.

With the increasing Corona virus pandemic, all the countries are facing serious issues and concerns. This summit was first of its kind. The leaders attended the summit through video conferencing. The leaders of the summit committed themselves to restore global health. Also agreed to take all the necessary measures to contain the pandemic and protect the people. They all pledged to infuse 5 trillion US dollars, to help boost the slowing down global economic rates. This will help in boosting and increasing the social and economic impacts caused due to the corona virus hit worldwide.

The finance ministers and central bank governors of the G-20 countries will coordinate and develop an action plan to help curb the issue. Furthermore, the member countries will work on a transparent, coordinated and science based global response. The manufacturing capacities of medical supplies like diagnostic tools, medicines need to be increased, making it possible to be available at reasonable prices. WHO, was requested to address the gaps in order to align with the priorities of the world. Leaders agreed to contribute to WHO led COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund on a voluntary basis.

Our PM, highlighted the need for reforming and empowering international organizations like WHO to deal with pandemics like Covid-19.

The PM in his speech through video conferencing made some recommendations. These included putting the human being rather than targets at the centre of our visions of global prosperity and cooperation, the free and open sharing of medical development and research for all and strengthening and reforming organizations like the WHO which continues to be based on the last century’s model.

Now let us know few things about the G-20.

The G-20 summit 2020 was to be held under the leadership of the Saudi Arabia from 21-22, November. The theme chosen by the country is - Realising Opportunities of the 21st century for all.

The key agendas to be addressed under this theme are:

  • Creating a condition to empower people, especially women and youth to live, thrive and work.
  • To safe guard the planet, foster collective efforts to protect global commons,
  • To shape new frontiers and adopt a long term bold strategy

For the 2020 summit some of the regional organizations were invited. These organizations were:

Arab Monetary Fund (AMF), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Vietnam the Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), South Africa the Chair of the African Union (AU), United Arab Emirates the Chair of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Republic of Rwanda the Chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).